Health & Fitness Apps for 2017 - Title Sussex Magazine
As diet and fitness come into focus once again and we’re bombarded with positive messages to start working on our health, why do so many with good intentions fall by the wayside within weeks? Got an excuse? ‘Appy Talk’s got an app. 1. It’s taking up my valuable time – Charity Miles As its ‘Move with Purpose’ tag line suggests, with every mile you run, bike or walk, Charity Miles will donate money to a non-profit organisation of your choice. With over 30 charities participating, you’ll be donating to a worthwhile cause and feel really good about feeling good. 2. No Time – 7 Minute Workout Have you got a spare seven minutes? Then you’ve time to exercise. This highly popular app provides 12 high intensity exercises at 30 seconds per exercise and ten second rest breaks. Simple and easy to use, full video and guidance helps improve technique while the voice prompts keep you focused. 3. No booze blues – Dry January and Beyond If you’re finding it hard to stick to a dry spell then this app should help. It keep tabs on the time since your last tipple, offers encouragement as well as cleverly counting up the calories [...]
Amanda Horlington