Light and Life


Light can completely transform your home and your mood. As the days get darker we look at ways to transform your living space, and we look at SAD, a recognised condition that affects many as the shorter days draw in and we experience less light in our lives. This month we’re all about bringing the light back. 

Lighting layouts and zoning, different types of lighting, when to use candles and also industry tips on new bulb regulations. We explore SAD and how it affects people and we also look into fully integrated lighting systems as part of our interiors editorial. 

Early booking of advertising can mean inclusion in our main editorial feature on lighting, but this will need to be booked early. There are plenty of other advertising opportunities of course, and also select, paid-for editorial available; perhaps a write-up, a review or a Q&A – we have loads of great ideas. We’re happy to design artwork or create beautiful advertorial. Our team can help with it all. 


  • Advertising at excellent introductory rates 
  • Book an ad and we’ll give you a FREE half page editorial!
  • Opportunity for presence online – all our advertisers enjoy a FREE directory listing and weblink to their site
  • Exposure on our multi-platform social media 
  • Distribution twice during the month. Double the hit! 


  • Title magazine is published online which enjoys around 25,000 views per month, and we print a certified 10,000 hard copies, distributed through the WHOLE of Sussex. 
  • The magazines are in the bedrooms at the Grand Eastbourne, Bailiffscourt, the Spread Eagle, the Grand in Brighton and many more. Excellent target market. 
  • Our readership is an estimated 50,000 made up of AB1/2 readers, our website regularly receives 10,000 hits a week. 
  • Title’s professionally-written content is upmarket without being too elitist, and our readers are professional, aspirational and solvent, with a taste for the finer things in life. 
  • Our dynamic website stands out from the crowd – it’s updated regularly with news and stories, and has different content to our printed issues, leading to high viewing stats. 

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