Annnddddd…. we’re back in business!

Title Sussex Magazine is back online - supporting local community

But  not as you know it. Title Sussex Magazine has been on hold during the last few months, as you-know-what has rocked the globe, but we are back, baby. And this time with a very new ethos.

We’re back with a difference. We’ve had a really good look at what’s going on locally and we want to help. No strings. Just be there to support our local community and try to make a difference. If the world is going to move forwards, we need more of this kind of thing.

At Title Media (which publishes Title Sussex) we’ve been looking at ways we can step up, and this is one of our first steps. We have a great publication, with a really good reach. We can do something constructive here.

So although Title Sussex will still publish traditional magazine style articles, we have resurrected the magazine largely because we want to support the regional community – that’s Sussex and the South East – as much as we can. And the best way we can do this is by providing a platform, offering our reach and our voice. And doing our utmost to support local businesses and communities.

How can we help?

Heaps of you have had a horrible few months – and may be staring at more horrible months to come. We want to support you, help give you exposure, and champion our local economy.

We know that there are literally thousands of astonishing people in our community who have helped make this whole situation better for others. We want to salute and recognise our local heroes and heroines.

We know that businesses have had to act fast, and make huge changes, to rise to the challenges they’ve faced (we’re trying not to say the word ‘pivot’ but, well, you know). We want to celebrate those, and share inspirational ideas.

And we know that funding is low, charities are struggling, causes are being launched. We want to offer a platform to support all those too.

Will it all be like this?

No. We wouldn’t be staying true to our roots if we didn’t engage with some of the ‘fun’ stuff too. So expect our usual sort of editorial as much as we can, around subjects like food and drink, fashion, health and beauty, homes and interiors… you get the picture. If there was ever a time we needed a bit of glam to cheer us up…

We think that there’s enough bad news around already, so you’re not going to see hard hitting reportage here. Genuinely, we want to focus on the positive. So think of Title Sussex as a friendly mate who loves all the nice things in life, and wants to help out.

We want to hear from you!

So this can be in all sorts of ways. And we’ll be coming back to this all the time – we want to hear from YOU! Tell us about your business, how you’re doing awesome things. Nominate your mate who has launched something awesome that benefits the community. Tell us about your friends turning calamity into creativity.

Also know that we’re aware there are still launches and new startups happening. Tell us about ‘em.

We can’t promise to feature everything – but we’ll give it a damn’ good try.

And advertising? Want new punters, but skint?

Now is the time. If you’ve looked at digital advertising but thought you can’t afford it, talk to us. If you have a thing to make a noise about and reach a South East audience, talk to us. We don’t need to charge you a lot, and right now, the prices are as low as they’ll ever get. So talk to us.

Whether you want a simple banner that leads to your site, or a clever campaign that involves social and all sorts of dark magic, now is the time to ask. We can do Title Sussex without selling any space at all, so you can have that space for a very small fee. The fee is mostly for the admin around making it happen.

That’s it for now. We will be reaching out more over the coming weeks. But get in touch – we want to hear from you…


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