Brighton Centre creates shelter for homeless
Well done Brighton & Hove, good work. The Brighton Centre is to open up some of its empty space to create a homeless shelter from 10 December.
The funding for the venture was agreed at Budget Council earlier this year. Since then councilors from the three parties on the council have been working together to find a suitable venue. Releasing a joint statement they say, “We know residents in the city are rightly concerned about people living rough, especially at this time of year when the weather can be extreme. The shelter is one of many ways we are providing help and working with partners to keep people safe and warm this winter.”
The places at the shelter will be allocated from referrals by outreach workers from St Mungo’s and BHT (Brighton Housing Trust). The outreach workers will also offer support to those staying at the shelter, linking them to services and sources of support across Brighton & Hove.
The dates the shelter will operate are 10 December to 11 February.
Here at Title we are going to be featuring a range of support initiatives across Sussex for homeless and vulnerable people, and be working with the initiatives to try and support them. If you would like to know more or get involved, please contact us on