That’s the way, a-ha a-ha, Joe Lycett

Ahead of his show at the Brighton Dome on Friday 23 October we caught up with comedien Joe Lycett

Are you excited for the Brighton Comedy Festival?
I am terrifically excited! Brighton has been one of my favourite places to play for many years – I’ve been playing the Komedia since I began and think if I played only Brighton audiences till I die I’ll die a happy man.

What do you enjoy most about being part of a comedy festival?
The comedy community is a lovely one and packed with such diverse figures. Before I started stand-up I genuinely thought other comics would be cruel, but the opposite is true. So as much as I love performing comedy at comedy festivals, my favourite part is hanging with other comics.

What is your show about?
It’s a sort of love letter to Birmingham and also a rant about a stag do I went on and there are some of my daft letters in there and all.

How did you first get into stand-up comedy?
I thought I was going to be a big Hollywood actor and then I realised I hate being told what to do and what to say so I tried stand up and it is really fun!

What’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you at a gig?
At the Brighton Komedia once a man was heckling all the acts but when I was on stage it became aggressive – the security came to remove him but he wrapped himself round a pillar and refused to be removed. It took five minutes to get rid of him and it was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. His mate then came up to me afterwards to apologise for him.

Have you been to Sussex before and if so, what do you enjoy most about coming here?
I’ve been LOADS! I enjoy a gentle walk down the lanes (I did a lot of my Christmas shopping there last year) and cannot resist skimming some stones on the beach.

Joe-Lycett-Tour-Autumn-2015-ImageWhat is your favourite memory in Sussex?
Eating halloumi on the beach.

What is your favourite Sussex venue to perform in?
Any venue that serves halloumi. Or Komedia.

Do you prefer watching or performing comedy?
Always performing! It’s the most fun!

What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
‘We’re out of halloumi.’

What is your guilty pleasure?

What is the most important life lesson you’ve learned?
I need to stop eating halloumi.

Over the years you’ve been doing it, has your attitude towards comedy changed at all and why?
I used to get quite stressed out in the first few years – that’s natural – but these days I take a far more relaxed approach to it. I work harder than ever but I know in my mind that it’s all about going with the flow.

What does the future hold for yourself?
When I finish this tour I’m going to open a halloumi factory.

About Daniel White
Dan has written numerous articles for Title Sussex. He no longer works for Title Media and has made a confident career in the world of coffee!