Time running out to enter the Sussex Business Awards
Entry deadline for 2015's awards on Wednesday 9 September
The clock is ticking for businesses across the county to enter the 2015 Sussex Business Awards with Wednesday’s deadline only a day away.
Open to businesses of all sizes and sectors, these prestigious awards are the longest established scheme of its kind in Sussex and widely considered to be ‘the one to win’.
With fifteen trophies up for grabs, including the prestigious Sussex Company of the Year and the award for the Most Promising New Business, there is sure to be something for everyone.
Being shortlisted for an SBA can have a big impact on a company, from attracting new business to adding value to your marketing to boosting staff morale and improving motivation. Entrants also benefit from free, independent assessment from expert judges, invaluable media coverage and the opportunity to network with the county’s business leaders.
And if that’s not enough you can also be sure to have raised your company profile as well as building brand awareness, which is sure to generate more social media engagement.
You can enter up to three categories – as well as free entry for the Healthiest Workplace, Best Boss and Outstanding Contribution to Sussex Charity.
With the deadline now a matter of hours away, to enter simply go online at www.sbawards.org.uk. The winners will be announced at a prestigious ceremony at The Grand Brighton, on Thursday 3 December, 2015.
For any queries email sussex@midnight.co.uk or call 01273 666200.