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Our favourite cinema picks of the month by Rhys Wilson-Plant

TIN-00372FDThe Intern has the texture of a romantic comedy, but with a unique angle; the man isn’t trying to get the woman, he’s trying to save her. Following his wife’s death, Ben (Robert De Niro) is looking for something new in his life and he decides to take an internship for seniors at a newly founded fashion company, where he comes to know and admire his boss, Jules (Anne Hathaway). The casting is fantastic and it makes The Intern a film that is funny, moving and unique instead of your typical formulaic rom/com. 3/5 Director: Nancy Meyer
Release Date: 2 October

The story follows Mark Watney (Matt Damon), a botanist who is left on Mars and presumed dead by his crew, following a mission-ending storm. Mark must use his skills to keep him alive until he can be saved, which is at least four years away. The Martian is a sublime survival film that epitomises the human spirit. Following the real-life discovery of water on Mars, this film will give you some inkling into the difficulties and dangers of reaching so far into the abyss that is space. 4/5
Director: Ridley Scott
Release Date: 30 September

Sicario grabs you from the opening scene to long after you exit the theatre. Following a catastrophic FBI mission, Kate Macer takes up the offer of eliminating the source of drug warfare with Graver (Josh Brolin) and Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro) rather than “clean-up” stateside. Sicario is a gritty story that opens your eyes to the true horror of drug warfare. The performance by Emily Blunt is perhaps her best yet and it’s her character that is the audience’s compass. Sicario is a tense and thought-provoking thriller and one of the best films on drug warfare for sometime. 4/5
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Release Date: 8 October

99-homes-99HOMES_00172_rgb“American doesn’t bail out losers, American was built by bailing out winners. By rigging a nation, of the winners, by the winners, for the winners”. This is the hard-hitting truth of 99 Homes, nailed home by Rick Carver (Michael Shannon), a ruthless and criminal retail estate broker. Life as a low-income father is not easy for an American, and the same goes for Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield) who is evicted from his home after missing numerous payments on his mortgage. Desperately looking for work to regain his childhood home, he turns to his enemy, who took it from him. 99 Homes is one of the most intense films for some time and is definitely a film of the year. 4/5
Director: Ramin Bahrani
Released: 25 September