When Bands Collide!
Charity battle of the Brighton business bands
Coffin Mew’s Brighton office will be hosting When Bands Collide at The Haunt in Brighton on 9 February 2017 and tickets are now available to buy.
Taking to the stage will be Keepon Rockin, the house band of chartered accountants and financial advisers Kreston Reeves; Von Bonasus, the work band of global engineering consultancy Ricardo; and G59ers showcasing the talents of renewable energy consultancy, OST Energy.
They will be joined by award-winning accountants, Crunch Accounting, as well as Coffin Mew’s own band, Clover.
Compered by local legend Guy Lloyd of Juice 107.2 and Britain’s Got Talent fame, When Bands Collide will give Brighton’s finest corporate talent a chance to raise the roof this February.
British Sea Power’s Phil and Martin, Peter Lindsay the Business Editor at The Argus and Mia Bird from Bird Studios form the line up of judges.
Each band will perform in the hope of winning a prize for the charity of its choice – as well as staffroom glory and endless bragging rights.
It promises to be a great night!
To book your tickets click here.