Becoming beach body ready with #KSUT

We get the low down from Kickstart UT's Personal Trainer Ollie Moore on how to get in shape this summer

Photos: Julian Beresford

Here are some effective exercises you can do at home or at a park, which will help you tone-up and strengthen your core muscles. Give these a try:

cutLeg-Raise2Leg raise – 15 reps, 3 sets
Lay on your back, feet together and place your hands on your head. Raise your legs up to a vertical position and then lower them down to the ground. Keep your technique nicely under control while keeping your legs and back straight. This ab workout is a killer, but helps get tone and definition for a nice looking six-pack.


cutLunge1Alternating lunges – 12 reps, 3 sets
Get yourself in a one-legged lunge and use your thighs to drive yourself up and quickly switch legs mid-air. Keep your back straight throughout. A real leg burner but equally a great workout which burns fat.



cutPlank1Plank – 30 second hold, 3 sets
Lay on your front, get on your tip-toes and place weight on forearms. Keep your back straight and hold. This will improve your core and back muscles.




Who is Ollie Moore?
I am a former Digital Media professional, turned Personal Trainer. After years of being involved in a job I had little interest in, I decided to take the plunge and do what it takes to become a Personal Trainer. This has come as a natural progression for me, as I have a genuine passion for health and fitness from being an active sportsman from a young age.

What sets you apart from other Personal Trainers?
Alongside my passion for training and pushing people to help them get the results they’re after, I also make the effort in discovering new and exciting ways of training. I like to learn new training methods and techniques and if I enjoy what I’ve tested out on myself, I will incorporate them into my workouts with my clients.

Ollie-Moore-TreadmillWhat PT qualification do you have?
Level 3 Personal Trainer

What separates those who get the best results from those who don’t?
For me it’s down to three things: dedication, determination and commitment. If you’re going to commit to something, you want to do it properly and go for it 100%.

What are your top three healthy snacks?
Protein Grazer bar, low fat natural yoghurt with dried fruits and zero calorie syrup, dark chocolate (in moderation).

When and where can people attend your sessions?
I am located across Brighton and Hove, so feel free to check out my website or give me an email for further details.

Contact Ollie Moore via email or visit his website

About Daniel White
Dan has written numerous articles for Title Sussex. He no longer works for Title Media and has made a confident career in the world of coffee!