Getting dramatic

LTYG Summer School to run for two weeks in August

Following a successful Easter, Lewes Theatre Group is launching a drama summer school for kids aged eight and up.

Children (8+) and youths (up to 16 years old) will have the choice to either develop a piece of drama based on a stimulus or work on a scripted piece that they can perform on stage to family and friends on Saturday 15th August.

The LTYG Summer School will run for two weeks in August, two hours a day, from 10am until 12pm at The Lewes Theatre.

The group offers a wide range of weekly workshops for children and youths, as well as the opportunity to participate in productions.

Recent stage shows include sell-out performances of Alice in Wonderland, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies.

Two week Lewes Theatre Youth Group Summer School in August for boys and girls ages 8+
Lewes Little Theatre, £85 per student.

About Charlotte Horlock
As a production assistant Charlotte provides extensive support, from the magazines to our websites and client work. She's multi-talented, working on design, editorial, content copy and production. We hope she never leaves us