Sussex Food & Drink Awards
OK, so this seems a long way off yet but it’s time to sharpen your (metaphorical) pencils and get nominating for the Sussex Food & Drink Awards 2017.
It’s time to start putting forward online nominations for the best Sussex food and drink producers and the outlets that sell and serve the best in the county.
Patron of the awards Sally Gunnell OBE welcomed new sponsors ETI Ltd for Sussex Eating Experience of the Year category; and Plumpton College with its butchery apprenticeships and Brighton meat wholesaler RP Meats, as co-sponsors for Sussex Butcher of the Year.
They join other loyal supporters such as Harveys for Sussex Farmers Market, The Southern Co-operative for Sussex Food Producer, Spofforths and the Sussex Food & Drink Network for Sussex Newcomer, and Sodexo Prestige for Sussex Young Chef of the Year.
Rix & Kay return to sponsor Sussex Drink Producer, as do Food Rocks and Natural PR for the Sussex Street Food Category and Wealden District Council, sponsoring Sussex Food Shop of the Year. Sussex Farmer of the Year will be run in association with Farmers Weekly.
Lots of big names there, but the real heroes are the people who do the food and drink. So please, get involved and make sure they get the recognition they deserve.
Some nominations close in June, some in September. Don’t miss the deadlines.